Thursday, August 13, 2009

Teeth, Owwww!

Alexey has been holding the side of his head the last few days. We thought that he was getting a sinus infection or an earache, just like most of the other children at the Baby Home. But then he started to keep one or more fingers in his mouth most of the time. Not his thumb, not sucking. Just pushing at his gums.

Ah. Teeth must be coming in. Suddenly it all makes sense. The last two days or so, every feeding has become a session filled with angst and drama. Eating hurts. Alexey proves that his lungs operate at full capacity. Mom and dad pace the floor with him, still trying to get the food into his mouth. Alexey screams with every second bite, expelling half the food he just took in. All in all each meal is now a charming dining experience. The makers of Tide are appreciative of his efforts, though.


nnn'Anna said...

I'm not too proud to admit that I kept my kids hopped up on Children's Tylenol when they were teething. Also went through a lot of frozen yogurt tubes. Not sure if you have access to either of those there. Take heart: it'll be a lot easier once you get back to the land of working plumbing :-)

Maddy Knuth said...

my dad used to rub brandy on my gums when i was teething, not sure if that's kosher these days but he swears by it :)

the meaklims said...

Awww, the poor sweetie.

It is the worst part of parenting, I tell ya! You feel so sorry for them, but you can't do anything.

I know Lilah liked grapes, especially if they were from the fridge or freezer, they cooled her little gums down. I hope he doesn't suffer too long.

Colin, Jill & Lilah xx