Monday, August 24, 2009

Post-Pre-Court Wrapup

This afternoon, we had our Pre-Court meeting with the judge, Alexey's doctor from the Baby Home, our lawyer, and our translator. The purpose of the meeting was to verify that all of our documents are correct, that we are who our passports say we are, and to verify the legitimacy of the doctor and our translator.

The judge is roughly equivalent to a Provincial Court Justice in Ontario. We met in her office for about fifteen minutes. Our only responsibilities were to hand over our passports and to say "Yes" when asked if we wished to proceed with the adoption of Alexey.

Our heavier duties come during our court hearing on Wednesday at 3:00 PM, (5:00 AM EDT). That's when we must make a presentation about why and how we can adopt Alexey.

So another hurdle has been jumped.

Tomorrow, we will post some more photos. We tried to do that yesterday afternoon at the Internet cafe, but Blogger was down for maintenance. Then we tried to be brave and post one from our apartment in the evening. We gave up after twenty minutes for one photo. That's due to us using dial-up Internet access. By the way, that's how you accessed the Internet in the dark ages, just like in parts of Kemptville today. ;-)    


Christina said...

Hi John and Monika,

On the days I commute with Dale, I get up at 5:00 a.m. This Wednesday when I roll out of bed, my first thoughts -- and my prayers -- will be with the three of you.

Божья скорости,

John and Monika said...

Спасибо, Кристина

Моника и Джон