Thursday, August 27, 2009

So What Does It All Mean?

A few people have asked what our court judgement means. Our adoption of Alexey takes effect in fifteen days. That allows for a period in which the judgement can be appealed, either by Alexey's birth family or someone else with an interest. The likelihood of that happening is minimal.

After fifteen days, we can get Alexey's birth certificate reissued, a Kazakhstani passport, Canadian citizenship, a Canadian passport, and a Kazakhstani exit visa. Piece of cake.

Then we can come home.


Natalie said...

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help from here.

Cheryl said...

"Congratulations!" doesn't quite convey everything I want to express but it will have to do. Wonderful news, looking forward to seeing the three of you safely back home.
