Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving Apartments Tomorrow

We had another busy but good day today. We brought a few toys for our little one which he thoroughly enjoyed. We're moving apartments tomorrow rather than end of the week as one was made available (also with meals being cooked for us) and it's right across the street from the baby home which is right downtown; this will be much better for us.
The weather has been nice, not too hot, mostly sunny with a bit of rain in the mornings.
We're both getting acquainted with the Russian language, we're catching on slowly but I'm sure within a few weeks we'll feel more confident to go shopping on our own. We have a lovely interpreter that has gone shopping with us right now and goes with us to the baby home during our daily visits.

Until next time.


Julie said...

Hi guys,

Monika I miss you already! but I'm so excited for you both. It sounds like everything is going smoothly... new apartment, translator, CLEANING LADY! That's amazing...and you met your little boy!

Post pictures soon!


Anonymous said...

John and Monika,
It's so nice to hear that things are going well for you. How wonderful that the location of the new apartment is very close to the baby home. With cleaning and cooking services, perhaps Monika will even have a little time to spoil herself before she becomes a full time Mom.

I'm so excited for you....
Take care, Cindi.