Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time to Get Ready

We just got news a couple of days ago that we will be travelling to Karaganda, Kazakhstan, in about four weeks; roughly around July 24. We are both overjoyed about this great development!

It looks like we will be adopting a baby boy who is now nine months old. He lives in a baby home in Karaganda. A baby home is more civilized than what we in Canada would think of as an orphanage. There is a very good staff-to-child ratio and the living conditions are good. As a rule, children in Kazakhstan do not experience developmental delays caused by living in a baby home. The same can't be said of some other countries' orphanages.

Now it's time to panic. Book tickets, get visas, buy some new luggage, buy baby supplies, make the house safe for a toddler, brush up on our Russian and learn a bit of Kazakh... .


Jacques Denomme said...

How special is that???

I'm so happy for you two.

I was so touched at noon when Monika asked if you could use Jacques (maybe different spelling, but the sound will remain) as your son's middle name. Of course I graciously accepted. You will be great parents, and with an uncle like Jacques who will tell you when it's time to register for minor hockey, soccer, karate, etc... and possibly as the first coach, you can't go wrong.

Now get that freaking LIST OF THINGS TO DO done before I do it for you.

Love ya,

Jacques Dénommé

John and Monika said...

Of course, Jacques has a great sense of humour and doesn't mind using it. So just as the letters "ugh" are silent in "doughnut", so too will "Jacques" be silent in our child's middle name.



Jacques Denomme said...

Dear John and Monika:

Here is to a fabulous trip to you. Can't wait to finally see your son! We will be sending all kinds of positive energy your way so that all of your angels (and our angels too) are with you, making sure every step of the way from now on are totally perfect and run smoothly.

Monika, NRCan will miss you... but don't worry about this place, we'll keep things going for you.
